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What is Celox ™ and why do we use it?

Writer's picture: Robert Peel International Robert Peel International

Updated: Nov 26, 2021

Whenever we run a First Aid course, we always ask our learners the same question: “Have you heard of Celox™” ?
We are yet to find a learner who has answered “Yes” to this question, and this has surprised us, because we genuinely feel that Celox™ products are amongst the best out there and it is a medical tool that we should all have access to.
So, what is it?
Celox™ is a haemostat granule, made from a natural polymer derived from shrimp shells, and is extremely effective. It comes as a packet of granules, in bandage form and also in a syringe.
How does it work?
Celox ™ works by creating a gel like clot when it comes in to contact with blood. It does not generate heat like other haemostats, which makes it safer for the applier to use without risking undesirable injuries, such as burns.
Why do we use it?
Quite simply, we use it because we feel that it is the best product on the market when it comes to stopping catastrophic bleeding when used in conjunction with other equipment, methods and training. We want to show our learners how impressive it is and how easy it is to use, we encourage them to have Celox™ in their own First Aid kits, both for personal use and in the workplace.
We demonstrate it by using a gunshot trauma wound prop, pumped with fake blood.
We use Celox™ in all of our FPOS, FPOSi, Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care courses when covering catastrophic bleeding, we really do believe that there is no better way to assist in the control of major bleeding.
We strongly feel that all First Aiders should have an awareness of Celox™ and encourage learners to go out and get some for their own First Aid kits, hopefully it will never be needed, but if it is, we can guarantee that there will be nothing better to use for the situation.
Additional Information
Obviously, we are merely advocates of the Celox™ product, we are not being asked to promote it in any way shape or form, this is a genuine, honest testimonial.
If you want any more information on Celox™ , there is of course no better place to go than to their official website, where it expands on what we have told you about Celox™ immensely.
If you are interested and you have some questions about Celox™ , the chances are that they will be answered on their website:
If you want to see Celox™ in action, or if you would like to take part in a First Aid course that utilises Celox™ and prepares you to use it in life saving situations, feel free to get in touch with us and we would be more than happy to cater to your needs through one of our courses at Robert Peel International.

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